It was the last day in college and the bags were packed and resting in one corner in my room. I could hear echoes of laughter and crying as I was about to bid goodbye to my room. Stressing out on so many things that I had to do, I ran around trying to avoid people who were leaving from different parts of the hostel. I was the last one to book my ticket to travel back home and the first one to leave. I was so glad that I got to leave first so that I didn’t have to stay back and see my friends leave.
When the moment came, I was satisfied with the fact that I spent a decent amount of time in that beautiful campus, which was never enough anyway. And I had done my duties of writing farewell letters to my friends and leaving it on beds and running away. Soon it was time to book one last cab from the college hostel. The cab on arriving never let me cry, instead we were all laughing at the really really micro car that pulled over before us. I stood there looking at my friends loading my lugguage. Some said, ‘I will miss you’ and some, ‘I will meet you soon,’ as I hugged them tight. The cab was waiting and it was time to leave and I couldn’t find that one person I was looking for. But it was getting late and I had to get in. I pushed my head out in search of her. The cab started and my heart shuddered, ‘Am I actually going to leave hostel without seeing her?’
Thankfully I heard someone shouting, ‘Christy is here. Stop.’ I could say I jumped out of the cab and ran to her, who was running towards me. We hugged and said ‘bye’. I couldn’t tell her ‘I will meet you soon’ and it killed me. I got back in the cab and started again. Nobody saw the tears except for the cab driver who asked why I was making a fuss, afterall it was just summer vacation. To his concerned question, I said in my paculiarly broken Tamil, ‘course over ayidichu anna’. Thereafter he was sensitive enough to let me cry without throwing too many questions....

Leaving hostel was harder than I imagined.
