Some are just stories; some are much more than that....

“Mere pyare deshvasion…”
I woke up from sleep, startled to hear a familiar voice.
“Modiji ageya?” I whispered into Christy’s ears. With a smug face, she pointed at the speaker who stood in front of the class.
“What’s happening? What is he saying now?”
“How would I know?!”
“Ok. Can I go back to sleep again?”
“Since I can’t sleep, you shouldn’t either.”
“Hey! What a stupid logic yaar!”
And that was when I realised the whole class was looking at me, as if I was caught stealing something.
I didn’t get the point of them staring at me like that. So I took all the courage to meet the eyes of the equally perplexed face of the speaker.
“Sir, do you realise that half the class doesn’t understand a thing and is sitting here like dumb and nodding for no reason?”
There was dead silence all over and even the lecturer looked amazed at what I said just now.
“Yes, sir.” Finally, one of the fellow non-Hindi lads spoke to end the disturbing silence.
“Oh I see. I didn’t know that.” The lecturer replied.
“But it is the truth, sir.” I continued. “We don’t understand much in Hindi. But still, instead of teaching us from the basics, we are made to sit for hours on end for a lecture that even the native speakers find difficult to understand. That’s so unfair, isn’t it? It is like exploiting our inability to understand Hindi and the reluctance to rebel against the injustice.”
The disturbing silence set in again. So, I spoke instantly,
“So, please do help us, sir. Be a saviour and save us from this injustice.”
“Yes I’ll definitely see what I can do about it.” He reassured.
“Oh wow!” everyone applauded.
I, out of the people in class, became a hero, sorry a heroine.

Now, you might think that was what happened there. But when you look into the real story, everyone looked at me as if I was caught stealing something and there was only one thing the lecturer could say, - “Get out.”
And I just obeyed…poor me!
Now, what happened to Christy? Is that what you are wondering?
Well, as I shut my mouth and got up to leave, she acted like that was the funniest thing she had ever seen in her life. She began laughing uncontrollably and when the lecturer looked at her, it looked like she tickled herself into laughing. Because, by that time, I was already outside the class. She also received the ‘outstanding’ remark to get out and guard the class and thus, there we were, standing outside like lamp-posts! – dude, that’s basically how I got the time to write this down!
